Mother Church is where we grow in the grace of Christ. She enables us to grow in our knowledge of God the Father as revealed in Christ Jesus. She encourages us, strengthens us, suffers with us, mourns with us, informs our faith, teaches us, corrects us, comforts us, protects us...She promotes and imparts life. It is through Mother Church that the manifold wisdom of God is made known (Eph.3:10). It is through Mother Church that Father God receives glory (3:21).
Living in the south –Lagrange, Georgia – one cannot escape the intransigent commitment to the college football season, especially keeping in mind that the SEC has been a dominant division amongst the NCAA for a number of years. This can be particularly challenging for an Ohio State fan such as myself! That’s right - a Buckeye fan in the heart of Georgia. I am vastly outnumbered to say the least.
Needless to say the rivalries are intense. Before, during and after each game throughout the season there is incessant conversation around the dinner table, at the local watering hole, or on Facebook. Well, you get the point.
Of course I’m one to join in on the copious conversations despite being the lone Buckeye voice in the crowd. This is healthy competition…well, usually.
This is the very sort of frenetic conversation that we should be having germane to what Christ is doing in our local churches. Well, maybe not the “very sort” when considering how some of those football conversations trend and the remotes that are often launched through the air. But energized and enthusiastic discourse should be a hallmark of the local church.
We at Sovereign Grace Church of LaGrange, have waded our way into the letter of Paul to Philemon recently. We worked our way through verses 4-7 this past Sunday. Within these verses we find this sort of conversation embedded in what Paul is writing. He makes reference to having heard of Philemon’s “love and faith.” A love and faith Philemon was actively and voluntarily sharing.
Word had reached Paul’s ears. Christians were having veritable conversations about Philemon’s vital faith and love. The local church near and far was abuzz about what Christ was doing through Philemon. This is crucial for Christians to recognize. Christ’s name is at stake. His glory is the trophy. The battle field has already been leveled. He is Christ the Victor and He is building His church.
We need to be sharing what Christ is doing at our local churches as His Holy Spirit is at work. This sort of conversation should be commonplace. In Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians we find this dynamic at work:
“For not only has the Word of the Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia and Achaia, but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere…” (1 Thess. 8-9).
“Therefore we ourselves boast about you in the churches of God for your steadfastness and faith…” (2 Thess. 1:3-4).
What is the salient point you may be asking? I might reply with a question or two to that question. What are we talking about? What are we sharing? Is it what Christ is doing amongst us or what others in the world are doing amongst others?
How can we better “share” what Christ is doing by way of His Holy Spirit in our local churches in order for others to “hear” what is happening?
1) Share at the local watering hole: This could be a local dive, coffee house or frequented public establishment. It could be your workplace. It could be a community meeting such as a Chamber of Commerce breakfast. As Christians we need to be sharing what Christ is doing through the local church within these contexts.
2) Share the Sunday sermon: As Christians, who cherish the Word of God above any other person’s word, speech or book we need to be sharing what the local minister shared from God’s revealed Word as recorded in Scripture. We need to have conversations about Sunday’s sermons (small group lessons, bible studies and so forth,) with one another, with our relatives, with our friends, with our co-workers, during lunch or dinner, in our living rooms etc. You get the point.
3) Share on Facebook or Twitter: We live in a day and time where viral communiqué is assumed. As Christians let’s redeem or utilize these popular venues of communication to boast about or share what Christ is doing amongst our local churches. Let’s quote a lyric from one of the morning’s songs…or two of them (if it’s truth). Let’s quote our local pastors and not just nationally recognized ministers such as John Piper, Mark Driscoll, R.C. Sproul, John MacArthur, Tim Keller and the like. Please don’t misconstrue my all means quote those notable churchmen. However, quoting them does nothing to promote what Christ is doing locally.
4) Share with your family: Dinner with the family around the table seems to be an antiquated notion these days. We need to reclaim such occasions. And even if you don’t, there are copious opportunities to share what Christ is doing within the local church context with your family. Share what Christ is doing as you transport your children to school - as you enjoy a date night (well…maybe here we are sharing other points of interest!) - as you visit your family - as you mentor your children…so forth and so on.
The basic point is that in order for others to “hear’ what is being “shared” within your local church setting conversations need to be had. This world bogs us down with so many other trite conversations that are, in the greater or eternal scheme of things, inane or temporal. Instead, lets recapture conversations about what Christ is doing as He continues to build His church. These sort of gospel conversations are much needed in a world abuzz with secular conversations. Our gospel conversations need to drown out the worlds.