At Sovereign Grace Church of Lagrange we are presently working through Paul's letter to the Ephesians. It has been a thoroughgoing delight. While Romans may very well be a more technical expansion of the mystery of salvation Ephesians represents a more pregnant understanding of the mystery in a more comprehensive treatment; albeit much more succinct. In Ephesians Paul clearly acknowledges his insight into this mystery,
"the mystery was made known to me by revelation, as I have written briefly. When you read this, you can perceive my insight into the mystery of Christ." (Eph.3:3-4).
Paul is acutely aware of the 'mystery of Christ' (cf. 1 Cor.2:6-13). This mystery, as Paul unfolds according to the insight given him by the Spirit of God in Ephesians 2:11-4:16 and more directly in chapter 3, is that the church is central to 'the mystery hidden for ages in God who created all things...' (Eph. 3:9; 1:7c-10). In other words the 'household of God' (Eph.3:19), or the church, is a mainstay or a central component to the 'mystery of Christ' that is now made known!
It is 'through the church' that 'the manifold wisdom of God' is made known (Eph.3:10) and through the church that God is glorified in Christ (Eph.3:21). The church is central to the mystery of Christ!! This is beyond cavil as Ephesians particularly espouses a HIGH VIEW of the church. After all, the church is what Christ is fact. Shouldn't we then have a high view of the church considering it is what Christ is building while also recognizing Paul views suffering imprisonment 'positively' for the sake of the church (Eph. 3:1, 3:13)? And when Paul is speaking positively this way he is referring to the local church not the universal - though it certainly does extend to the church universal.
This last point - that Paul views his imprisonment positively - is worthy of note. Considering that after everything Paul had suffered as he stewarded the ministry of grace he was given for the church and to nevertheless busy himself emphasizing the churches centrality and indispensability only underscores how integral the church is to the mystery of the gospel. And how integral each individual Christian is to the church as contributing and functioning members as each has been given an aspect of grace (Eph.4:7)!
Again, Paul continued to serve the tangible/visible church to the point of imprisonment despite his challenges, disappointments, hurts and persecutions, not just from non-Christians but from Christians within the church. He didn't reject the church or withdrawal and he, beyond anyone else perhaps, had every reason to withdrawal.
Now, the challenges and hurts that Paul experienced are challenges and hurts that will be experienced throughout the history of the church until Christ's return. I know of many who have been devastated by the actions of a single minister or even by a most inauspicious and hurtful happening within the ranks of the church such as division and the like. Its a melancholy truth and perhaps an inevitable one. Inevitable not because we should embrace the eventuality of such things but because we need to be realistic about the ongoing role of lingering sin that we all are dying to daily.
This is precisely why we cannot withdrawal from the church though. Because when the sting of sin strikes the balm of grace is needed. A grace every member of the church is given by Christ!
Maybe you have become disillusioned about the church due to wounds and hurts. They are very real and fresh perhaps. They definitely shouldn't be disregarded or treated arbitrarily either in the name of the centrality of the church. I encourage you not to withdraw from the church. Now, you may need to withdraw from a particular local church but not the local church completely. There are many local churches with a culture of active grace exchange that can and will bring about the needed healing. Beyond that YOU have a measure of grace that the church needs. Allow the hurt/s to motivate and move you to realize that while you have been hurt and need the balm of grace so another within the church who has been hurt needs the balm of grace from you.
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