Sunday morning at Sovereign Grace Church of Lagrange we considered what it ACTUALLY means to be blessed and how our understanding of blessedness impacts our life. Ephesians 1:3 reveals that Father God “has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places…”

   This is a declarative and determinative statement. It isn’t a sarcastic open ended remark that is intended to leave us uncertain or ambivalent.  Paul is sure of this as we should be. This verse reveals that we need to always be aware of our blessedness. It also reveals how we should understand our blessed estate in Christ as Father God “has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places” (vs.3b)

   We are indubitably and overwhelmingly blessed SGC!! The challenge in our day and age relates to how being ‘blessed’ is understood.

   Present secular culture imposes a category of ‘blessedness’ that is alien to Scripture and thus Christian spirituality and life. Within the church is commonly known as the ‘health & wealth gospel’. Our blessings are ‘spiritual’ and ‘in the heavenly places’ (vs.3b).

   This world or ‘earthly places’ (I John 2:15-17) is not where we are to derive or locate our blessedness from. As John also writes the Ephesians in I John the ‘things’, ‘desires’ & ‘possessions’ of ‘this world’ are passing away or dying. In other-words, if we locate our blessedness in this world or according to the priorities of earthly places our perception and experience of blessedness will die along with it.

   Throughout Ephesians Paul deliberately contrasts ‘heavenly places’ with ‘earthly places’ as a way to properly locate and understand our ‘blessedness’. The truly blessed life is wrapped up in spiritual blessings not material wealth or physical well being.  While the latter certainly plays a role…without the former we are most certainly not ‘ALIVE and WELL’.

   The language of blessing in relation to Christians within Scripture is directly associated with spiritual blessing/s not material blessing. Material blessing is better understood scripturally as God’s provision and, of course, provision is an expression of His grace and love. However, we are well served not to confuse provision with blessing. I wonder if we have become to earthly minded as opposed to being heavenly minded (Col.3:1-5).

 According to Ephesians being ALIVE and WELL involves:

   ~Understanding that we have been made ALIVE and WELL according to the will
     of God located in Christ Jesus (Ch.1-2:10). Christ as the center of salvation not

   ~Realizing that being ALIVE and WELL involves participation in the “household
     of God” or the local church (2:11-22). The exchange of life amongst the church is essential to   
     being ALIVE.

  ~Participating in the local church by contributing to the local church according    
    to the  ‘giftedness’ that Christ has bestowed upon you. (4:7-16). This
    promotes LIFE  and WELLBEING amongst the church including yourself as part of the church.     
    When and how are you contributing to local church LIFE and WELLBEING?

  ~Praying for LIFE and WELL BEING (3:14:21; 6:10-20). It is incumbent upon us to
    pray regularly as a way of sustaining LIFE and WELL BEING. Solving problems
    logically, as important as this is,  isn’t the same as asking God to create LIFE or
    to sustain WELL BEING.

 ~Separating our ‘old self’ from the ‘new self’ (4:17-5:21). The new LIFE in Christ
   promotes a New manner of LIVING. We will not LIVE according to old, sinful
    customs or practices.

 ~ Having Christ at the center of our marriages (5:22-33), parenting (6:1-4) and
    and businesses/jobs.

  Being ALIVE and WELL is not defined according to ‘401k’s’, ‘date night’ (and I love date night with m’lady),  ‘neon parties’, ‘graphic promotional imagery’, ‘old-self culture’, ‘flashy Sunday productions’ and the like. According to Ephesians ‘being ALIVE and WELL’ is a matter of locating our salvific blessedness in Christ, as Father God has willed (1:3-2:10), while LIVING out our NEW LIVES amongst the CHURCH as contributing participants (2:11-4:8-16) and our respective FAMILIES who LIVE according to that NEW LIFE while leaving the OLD LIFE of sin behind us (4:17-21).

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